I think Barrack Obama will be better because the war in Iraq is not our war and we need to learn how to mind to our own business. McCain is to old minded and not open to new ideas where as obama wants to try new approaches on taxes the war and foreign oil instead of just drilling our own oil. Most important is that Obama wants to get rid of the "no child left behind" instead of forcing a child to go on to an excelerated level that they are not ready for.
I probably wouldnt vote but if i had to i would vote for McCain. McCain has his ups and downs but he is right on iraq. We need to finish what we started. This war is something that isnt going to stop unless we make it. Ya maybe it would be a nice thing to bring our troops homw but most likly the war will come over here and invade america and endanger more people than just the troops. So McCain is the better choice, but i dont like that he is with abortion. Ya girls have a right to do what they want with their bodies but they could of token birth control and had been pretected its their choice it is but i think america will become a better place by learning from our mistakes. It may take some wars and some killings but i think we will become a strong nation again!!!!
I think john McCain because he has some war background knowledge and he is a very serious person when it comes to war he wants it to end and he wants to invest in new technologies for us. and he will know how to get this country through this war and keep us out of going into such a great depression unlike Obama he will keep us going into a depression because he has stated that he is good friends with a terrorist that was part of planning 9/11 and I don't think that we need someone that is friends with them. McCain is wanting to stop all dependence on foreign oil... we need to finish the war that we started and John McCain will get the job done and be one of the greatest presidents of all time in the history of presidents!!!!!!!
I would vote for John McCain because I think it would be best to have a rebublician to finish the war because they would have the same thoughts and feelings.
I wpuld vote Mccain because he would end the war and not bring back trooops, this would prevent more 9/11 terrorists from coming here and then we would have to fight just to protect the everyday person.
I would vote for John Mccain just because I think that he his idea of keeping our soldiers in Iraq and to keep fighting the war is a good idea. Unlike Obama who wants to pull the soldiers out of Iraq and just quiting the war.
I would vote John McCain without a moments hesitation. I don't know where kdoublez gets his information but his views on the war are so far left i can't begin to describe it.The war in Iraq is indeed are war in case you don't remember September 11, 2001 when al-Qaeda terrorist killed 2,988 people by hijacking 4 planes and used them to destroy the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and attempted to destroy the White House. But in manners not affecting the war i also believe in John McCain's health plan. I don't believe in a government health plan that Obama suggest, at least not with our government. Also Obama plans on raising taxes for "rich" people is wrong. My family would fall into the category of "rich" people because my grandpa, dad, and my dads brothers own a shop that makes over $250,000 but we are far from wealthy most of the money is split up among the family and what isn't split up (which is most of it) goes to taxes already. We only make roughly $24,000 a year off of the shop but Obama would still tax us because of the gross income is over $250,000 but the net income is far less then that. That is why I believe that McCain would be a better president.
John McCain because he will know how to get this country through a war
I would vote for John Mccain because he has the same opinion on the war as i do.
I think Barrack Obama will be better because the war in Iraq is not our war and we need to learn how to mind to our own business. McCain is to old minded and not open to new ideas where as obama wants to try new approaches on taxes the war and foreign oil instead of just drilling our own oil. Most important is that Obama wants to get rid of the "no child left behind" instead of forcing a child to go on to an excelerated level that they are not ready for.
I probably wouldnt vote but if i had to i would vote for McCain. McCain has his ups and downs but he is right on iraq. We need to finish what we started. This war is something that isnt going to stop unless we make it. Ya maybe it would be a nice thing to bring our troops homw but most likly the war will come over here and invade america and endanger more people than just the troops. So McCain is the better choice, but i dont like that he is with abortion. Ya girls have a right to do what they want with their bodies but they could of token birth control and had been pretected its their choice it is but i think america will become a better place by learning from our mistakes. It may take some wars and some killings but i think we will become a strong nation again!!!!
I think john McCain because he has some war background knowledge and he is a very serious person when it comes to war he wants it to end and he wants to invest in new technologies for us. and he will know how to get this country through this war and keep us out of going into such a great depression unlike Obama he will keep us going into a depression because he has stated that he is good friends with a terrorist that was part of planning 9/11 and I don't think that we need someone that is friends with them. McCain is wanting to stop all dependence on foreign oil... we need to finish the war that we started and John McCain will get the job done and be one of the greatest presidents of all time in the history of presidents!!!!!!!
I would vote for John McCain because I think it would be best to have a rebublician to finish the war because they would have the same thoughts and feelings.
I wpuld vote Mccain because he would end the war and not bring back trooops, this would prevent more 9/11 terrorists from coming here and then we would have to fight just to protect the everyday person.
I would vote for John Mccain just because I think that he his idea of keeping our soldiers in Iraq and to keep fighting the war is a good idea. Unlike Obama who wants to pull the soldiers out of Iraq and just quiting the war.
I would vote John McCain without a moments hesitation. I don't know where kdoublez gets his information but his views on the war are so far left i can't begin to describe it.The war in Iraq is indeed are war in case you don't remember September 11, 2001 when al-Qaeda terrorist killed 2,988 people by hijacking 4 planes and used them to destroy the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and attempted to destroy the White House. But in manners not affecting the war i also believe in John McCain's health plan. I don't believe in a government health plan that Obama suggest, at least not with our government. Also Obama plans on raising taxes for "rich" people is wrong. My family would fall into the category of "rich" people because my grandpa, dad, and my dads brothers own a shop that makes over $250,000 but we are far from wealthy most of the money is split up among the family and what isn't split up (which is most of it) goes to taxes already. We only make roughly $24,000 a year off of the shop but Obama would still tax us because of the gross income is over $250,000 but the net income is far less then that. That is why I believe that McCain would be a better president.
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